Wednesday, November 9, 2022

6 Best Foods For You Gut


BizarreMart Nutritional Cleanse 6 Best Foods For Your Gut
6 Best Foods For Your Gut

1. Dietary Fiber 

BizarreMart Nutritional Cleanse Fiber Pro
Fiber keeps things moving through your digestive system and out. Otherwise, your colon is stuck with toxins that can build up and cause major health problems. Your body then begins reabsorbing toxins, hormones and other substances. 

"If you don’t have regular bowel movements, you're retaining wastes that your body has finished with," "It’s like not moving a stinky garbage bag out of your kitchen.”

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are all packed with healthy fiber. But when it comes to staying regular, prunes, because of their mild laxative effect, is the go-to fruit. They're also a great source of energy, nutrition and disease-fighting phenolic compounds.

2. Probiotics 

Probiotics are those "good bugs" you hear health nuts raving about. Why would anyone willingly eat bacteria?

Because our intestinal flora is made up of trillions of good bacteria that aid in digestion and promote immunity and health. In fact, four pounds of our body weight comes from the bacteria that live in the digestive tract.

The No. 1 probiotic food is yogurt. 

When choosing a yogurt, make sure the cultures are listed as "live" or "active." Yogurts with added fiber are even better.

PreBiotics & ProBiotics

3. Prebiotics 

Prebiotics are food for probiotics. 

"Bacteria multiply very quickly but need food once they reach the intestines" 

Prebiotics help good bacteria thrive while driving down the number of disease-producing bacteria trying to invade the digestive tract.

They also promote a more acidic intestinal environment, which helps the body absorb nutrients in food such as the minerals calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium.

Fortunately, prebiotics are found in many of the foods we already eat. Onions, garlic, leeks, legumes, bananas, asparagus, sunchokes (Jerusalem artichokes) and more. 

Pickles Anyone?

4. Fermented foods

Sometimes your GI tract just needs a break. Fermented foods are the solution.

"Fermenting or culturing makes food more digestible by actually 'predigesting' it for you"

Fermenting also increases our absorption of the other nutrients in the food. Pickles, sauerkraut, kefir, miso, tempeh and Japanese tamari or soy sauce are all easy-to-digest fermented foods.

5. IsaLean Shakes
BizarreMart IsaLean Shake

I must say you get all the nutrients above in a 240 calorie IsaLean Shake available from BizarreMart Nutritional Cleanse in easy to use daily packets. 

6. Something to wash it all down

Don't forget the most essential "food" of all – water. Digestion can't occur without water, so be sure to drink eight 8-ounce glasses throughout the day.


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